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Saint Paul Chapel

This gothic church with one nave and a baroque altarpiece of Saint Barbara is an old priory in the Cistercian style related to Poblet monastery.

It was usually visited by Ignatius and it worked as a hospital for the lepers. In his way to Sant Pau, the pilgrim experienced the called Outstanding Illumination. Ignatius met Alfonso de Agurreta, the Prior of the convent who was also responsible of Santa Llúcia hospital and who became one of Ignatius’ confessors.

When Ignatius was back from The Holy Land, he had the intention of remaining in Manresa but he returned to Barcelona because of the death of its friend.

In 1700 the priory was sold to the Company of Jesus. Near the hermitage there is a water tank built in the 18th century by the Jesuits. This tank had the function of ensuring the availability of water for the orchards in the area, using one of the branches of the Sequia water canal. 

Manresa Turisme · Plaça Major 20, Manresa · 938784090 ·