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DO Pla de Bages (Protected Denomination of Origin)

One of the peculiarities of the region of Bages are the clay pots and vineyard huts, constructions made of dry stone that were necessary for farmers to face the ongoing work in the field, to keep agricultural tools or to protect themselves from inclement time. Coinciding with the remarkable expansion of the cultivation of vineyards, many of these huts were built. Now 4,000 of them remain, mostly well preserved.

The winegrowing and agricultural economy did not recover until the end of the twentieth century. In 1995 the Pla de Bages denomination was created. The most distinctive wariety of wine is picapoll, a native variety adapted to the area, which makes a light white wine with a characteristic yellow color.

The headquarters of the DO, Protected Designation of Origin, are located in the Culla House. This farmhouse dates from the 1009. Like most medieval houses of that time, La Culla was dedicated to winemaking until the nineteenth century. The Manresa City Council bought the house in 1984 and began to function as Casa Natura, dedicated to environmental education for schools children. Since 1993 there is the Learning Camp of Bages, dedicated to nature and the agricultural world. In 2001, it incorporated the headquarters of the Regulatory Council of the Protected Denomination of Origin Pla de Bages.

Wine tourism activities: Guided tours and wine tasting courses.

Manresa Turisme · Plaça Major 10, Manresa · 938784090 ·