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Chapel of Saint Mark

The Chapel of Saint Mark, is a Gothic chapel located at the southern entrance of Manresa right next to the Old Bridge.

Years ago there was the altarpiece of Saint Mark and and Saint Anianus inside, painted by Arnau Bassa and now preserved in the Basilica of la Seu.

The Chapel of St. Mark was one of the places where, according to tradition, Ignatius had some mystical experiences. According to Bernard Matella, a craftsman, one day the pilgrim "was going towards the river Cardener, which is next to the city, and when he was near a chapel of St. Mark, a vision appeared to him; and this was and has always been clear and well known in this city. " Ignasi and Bernat Matella had met during his childhood, and he was one of the few witnesses still living when they started the process for the canonization of the founder of the Jesuits.

Manresa Turisme · Plaça Major 10, Manresa · 938784090 ·