A tour over the most emblematic heritage of Manresa through your senses. Along with the discovery of their history and curiosities, we will be able to hear, touch, see, smell and taste the city. How? Through brief guided sensory experiences.
We will sharpen our hearing while we discover the legacy of the pilgrim in the city at the Sanctuary of the Cave. We will be able to touch the fourteenth century with our bare hands at Balç Street, and we will see with a new approach to the Basilica of La Seu.
Finally, our smell and taste will come into play at the Interpretation Centre Manresa 2022, The city of Ignatius, tasting local products allowing us to finish the experience with a pleasant aftertaste.
Do you accompany us to enjoy your five senses?
Recommended experience for groups and families.
More information and reservations: comercial@manresaturisme.cat