The tradicional activities during Easter in Manresa begin with Palm Sunday: the blessing of palms in the Crist Rei Square where, at noon, the march of the Armed of Manresa starts and goes trhough the main streets and squares.
But the main act is the Procession of Good Friday, renovated in 2000 thanks to the collaboration of the guilds and the Casa de Andalucía in Manresa, which have achieved a personal and unique character in the procession Manresa.
Usually leaves from the Seu Basilica, goes to the Baixada de la Seu, Vallfonollosa Street, Plaça de les Creus, Plaça de la Reforma, Carrer Alfons XII, Plana de l'Om, Carrer del Born, Plaça Sant Domènec, Passeig Pere III, Plaça de Crist Rei, Carrer Guimerà and goes back to la Seo Basílica.
This Procession is formed by the Armed of Manresa, the "float" of the Nazarene, the "float" of the Bona Mort, the Holy Sepulchre, corals, the Hope Macarena and others.