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Balsareny castle is located on a 420m high hill in the town of Balsareny. This fortification dated back to 951 is a good example of civil gothic Catalan style. The current building which is in a good of conservation, it was built during the second half in the 14th century during the reign of Pere III The Ceremonious. Most recently, it has been restored at the end of the 19th century.

The panoramic views onto Llobregat river, Balsareny town, Montserrat and the Pyrenées are excellent.

This long history castle has been owned by several families until nowadays. Initially the castle was a property of the vicarial and noble family called Balsareny. This family had a notorious importance in the Catalan society of the 11th and 12th centuries. The next family to inhabit the castle was the Peguera family who bought the barony of King Pere III. This allowed them to have economic and military rights, except for death sentence. This family was in charge of the castle rebuilding. Later on the barony was transferred to the Oliver\'s family and later to the Galceran\'s who sold the barony fifteen years later to an honorable citizen from Barcelona named Martin. This one transferred the barony by marriage to the Alós family, the present owner of the castle. The building has been inhabited until 1976.

Balsareny castle is one of the few regular and homogeneous castles in central Catalonia. It has a pentagonal shape almost regular. On the ground level there is a spacious room which preserves the whole ambiance of gothic times. A stone staircase brings you to the first floor where there is a horsehoe gallery and rooms. On top of the building there are battlements with loopholes typical of the last medieval centuries. The building was declared a “Bé Cultural d\'Interès Nacional” (Heritage of National Interest) in 1949.

Nearby is located the romanesque hermitage of Mare de Déu del Castell which dates back to the 12th century. Down the hill, in the Llobregat river there is the dam where an irrigation ditch brings water to Manresa city.

Opening hours: Every Saturday guided tour at 10 am and 11 am. On Sundays, arranged groups of more than 15 people.  

Prices: Adults 6; Children from 7 to 14 years old and free for children up to 5 years old.

Every 1st Saturday of the month at 5 pm, dramatised visits: 10€ and free for children up to 5 years old.

  • Phone: 635031431
Manresa Turisme · Plaça Major 20, Manresa · 938784090 ·